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Tilt : the moment that changes everything

Tilt is an experimental animation series I’m working on right now. It is a series that is going to tell us about incredible stories experienced by real people. Michèle, Chloë, Paul and many others will tell us about the moment when they found themselves in danger, real or perceived as such. Situations out of

common that have changed their lives and their vision of life. Across the heartbreaking testimonies, the series will open the doors to various reactions of human nature, sometimes for better and sometimes for worse.


Working on it as my professional and personal project, I’m looking to push forward my style, my personal aesthetic that combines collage images, illustrations and abstract forms. Currently this project is in early stages of visual development. But nevertheless, I may already share with you some styleframes and chara designs of this project. :)


character design :

"Tilt" - animation series WIP


Production studio : Pause B Films

Redaction : Juliette Jean

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